Park Shark
June 24, 2013
No explanations or excuses for this one. New drawing next Monday.
June 24, 2013
No explanations or excuses for this one. New drawing next Monday.
June 17, 2013
This drawing is not to be taken literally. There is no scientific or mermatoligical evidence to suggest that mermaids do keep pets. I just finished inking the third chapter of the Autumn & Gearlock story “Outlaws and Orphans”. My approach on this series is to keep the inking simple, and allow the color do the
June 10, 2013
When Ziggy is outside barking, I rarely see what motivates him. But I trust that he is keeping at bay things we don’t want in our house. Thanks to everyone who supported the launch of the Scrollon App for the iPad (now available for download on the App Store) New drawing next Monday…
June 3, 2013
The Scrollon App for the iPad is now available on the App Store. Scrollon® is storytelling without borders or pages, presented as a seemingly unending image which is advanced by scrolling with your finger or tapping the screen. The app allows you to sample Scrollon for free, and experience what it is like to not