Doug Lefler


The BFG - Sophie tries to escape Giant Country

“Sophie Sneaks Away”

Sophie tries to escape Giant Country. Another concept sketch I did for The BFG.

Posted July 13th 2016
Sketch of the Big Friendly Giant

BFG and Sophie

One of my sketches from BFG. Because of the people with whom I was working (Steven Spielberg, Melissa Mathison, Rick Carter and all my friends from The Third Floor) this film ranks among my favorite experiences within the entertainment industry.

Posted July 6th 2016
War mouse distracted by cheese

“War Can Wait”

Sometimes cheese is more important.

Posted June 29th 2016
An army marches on its stomach

“War Can Wait” Detail #2

An army marches on its stomach.

Posted June 23rd 2016
A small but valorous knight

“War Can Wait” Detail #1

A small, but valorous knight.

Posted June 22nd 2016
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