Doug Lefler


Random Storyboard #4

Another earlier sketch from Jack, the Giant Slayer.

Posted June 6th 2015


I invite visitors to make up their own story to fit this image. Feel free to post your version in the comments.

Posted June 5th 2015

Building a Better Library

A promotional image of Jane Autumn from Autumn & Gearlock: Danger Management. This character is based on my favorite person in the world.

Posted June 4th 2015

Beware of Flying Snakes

Portion of the line drawing from the opening frame of Island of Dragons, one of my stories in cue to be colored when I take a break from Hollow World.

Posted June 3rd 2015

“Downturn” Rough

An example of the minimalistic drawing I tend to do prior to coloring. This if from a new illustration called “Downturn”. I will be posting the finished piece later this month.

Posted June 2nd 2015
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