Doug Lefler


Robots I Have Known #5

This ancient war machine is a remnant of an advance technology and part of the mystery at The Heart of the Hollow World.

Don’t forget to read Mark Moretti’s RobotWorld at and on the Scrollon app!

Posted June 25th 2015

Robots I Have Known #4

Technically this is a Class 7 Military Walker (from Resistance) and not a robot, but I’m still going to throw it into the mix. Warning: these things are hard to stop, unless you’re a clever saboteur.

Don’t forget to read Mark Moretti’s RobotWorld at and on the Scrollon app!

Posted June 22nd 2015
Posted June 20th 2015

Robots I have Known #3

Today’s automaton is from The Heart of the Hollow World. When visiting a prehistoric land it’s helpful to have a few extra hands around to keep things civilized.

Don’t forget to read Mark Moretti’s RobotWorld at and on the Scrollon app!

Posted June 15th 2015
Posted June 13th 2015
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