This is Twen, who is soon to make her appearance in The Heart of the Hollow World.
Last night I got a good night’s sleep. Never let it be said I’m not willing to try new things. Tomorrow morning I leave for San Diego. Anyone at Comic-Con this year stop by the Scrollon booth 1221/1223.
This is just the beginning of Emery’s trouble with dinosaurs. Read his continuing adventures at
t isn’t all fun and games and messages from outer space. There are times when wearing the Cone of Shame is no darn fun.
Happy New Year everyone!
I spent a good chunk of the Holiday break drawing people and places around New York, circa 1898. These are for my upcoming story The Heart of the Hollow World.
And consistent with this time period, Part Three of “Outlaws and Orphans” went live on the Scrollon App this morning! Be the first on your block to download the Scrollon which concludes this story arc in the series Autumn & Gearlock: Danger Management.
More information at
Seasons Greetings from the most famous Reinschnauzer of all.