These are storyboards I created for the Lords of the Fallen (Gamescom 2013). This Cinematic Trailer was prevised by The Third Floor before going to full animation.
These are not all of the boards, I left out many frames to make the post manageable, but tried to include all of the highlights. The complete trailer is embedded after the drawings.
When you work on movies in the early stages, you have a lot of ideas that don’t make it to the screen. I explore concepts I never show to anyone if I realize they don’t services the needs of the story. Sometimes I explore concepts simply because they will be fun to draw (this from Jack, the Giant Slayer).
My wife and I drove to Santa Barbara on Saturday. We visited the Zoo for the first time in many years. I have a lifetime membership because I worked there as a volunteer when I was fourteen.
Zoo Keeping has come a long ways since 1971. More is known about how to create habitats for the animals and how to keep them occupied, engaged and healthy. And I suspect the division of tasks for volunteers are more rigid. When I was a Junior Zoo Keeper I would feed the animals, clean their cages, rake leaves, pick up trash and occasionally recapture the ever escaping Spider Monkey (anyone who has ever tried to catch a monkey might appreciate the challenges of this task). I played with the otters, gave medicine to the Galapagos Tortoise and ate a lot of bananas intended for other primates.
We had one lion. They named him Dandy (get it? Dandy-lion). He would lean against the door to his cage when he saw me coming. I would reach between the bars and scratch him under the mane. I wasn’t supposed to, and would’ve gotten into trouble if the Zoo Keeper caught me, but how many fourteen year olds get to scratch a lion on the back of its neck?
The second chapter of “The Curious Saga of No-One” has been released on the Scrollon app. Some may remember an earlier version of this story, but few people have seen the first incarnation of No-One. It started many years ago as a traditional comic book that I drew between directing jobs (people who pursue directing careers find themselves with a lot of down time).
In those days I didn’t know the correct conventions for lettering comics or have the proper fonts.
After finishing Seven Extraordinary Things I revisited this story, and adapted it for presentation as a webcomic.
And than came the idea for Scrollon.
A preview of this story in Scrollon is currently available at
I am prepared to accept that no one finds this amusing other than me.
Here’s some work in progress on the coloring of Autumn & Gearlock #3.
Autumn & Gearlock #1 is currently available on the Scrollon App for iPad.
I’m back from the San Diego Comic-Con 2013. Still unpacking. Didn’t take a lot of photos during the con, but here’s one from yesterday, before the doors were open, the monitors were set up, and the empty water bottles discarded.