Doug Lefler


Travel Tips for Adventurers #1

Ashfire Moon: Adventure Unlimited

Ashfire Moon: Adventure Unlimited is live!

This site has been in the works for many months, and in my head for several years. Ashfire Moon is powered by Scrollon® and  dedicated to original fantasy and science fiction adventure content. It offers long and short form digital comics as well as one-off illustrations where we tell a story in a single image australian pokies online. And if that’s not enough, you’ll also find Travel Tips for Adventurers, suggested travel accessories and useful phrases (I think we all know how useful it would be to order a beer in Klingon).

Many of my stories will be on, including The Heart of the Hollow World, Autumn & Gearlock, The Curious Saga of No-One and Nephilim, as well as Mark Moretti’s RobotWorld and the upcoming Island Kingdom by Hiroshi Mori.

Visit Ashfire Moon: Adventure Unlimited and let me know what you think.

Posted September 5th 2016
Beware the White Monkey

“The Heart of the Hollow World” Returns

The Heart of the Hollow World #19 “Breach” will be posted September 5th, 2016

Other Scrollon business has delayed its release, but the new chapter is now ready. There are six more chapters to complete the current story arc (twenty four in all), and I’ll do my best to get you to the end without further interruptions.

Posted August 22nd 2016
Dragon smoke trail


Today I thought I would reveal a little known fact about the origins of skywriting.

Posted August 3rd 2016
Pheonix in the Snow


When the weather gets frosty, it’s good to have a regenerating hand warmer.

Posted July 27th 2016
booth 1221

Comic-Con 2016

The calm before the storm. If you’re in San Diego this weekend stop by the Scrollon booth #1221. Meet the friendly people who help make this platform possible, and pick up a poster or some postcard created by me, Mark Moretti and Hiroshi Mori!

Posted July 21st 2016
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